I’ll Write That Book When I Can Get Away to the Beach.

One of the reasons I delayed in writing my first book was because I kept telling myself, “I need a few days overlooking a lake (or the beach) to write. If I can just get to a mountaintop cabin for a week, I could write that book.” I kept thinking I needed that perfect and serene location to be creative, think clearly, and write. Even now, I keep thinking if I could just get away for a month to a mountain cabin, I could knock out my next book.  

If You’re Not Writing Now . . .

The problem though, is, if I’m not writing now, I’m not going to write in that “perfect” spot. Even when I had a few days overlooking a lake or the beach, I found myself distracted by other things that I didn’t get as much writing done as needed. I stared out over the water, daydreamed, or thought nothing at all, rather than write. 

There’s Always an Excuse

I told myself I’d write outside while sitting on the beach. Why sit inside on a gorgeous day at the beach when I can be outside at this beautiful location, sitting in my beach chair with my laptop to write. Nope, didn’t happen.  Rather, I closed my eyes, tilted my head up to face the sun and soaked in the warmth of the sun with sand under my feet and did nothing. I did the same thing at the lake. I told myself I’d write after I kayaked, or threw the ball for the chocolate lab, or after I fished a little. By the time that was all done, it was almost evening and I just wanted to sit with a glass of wine and watch the sunset! 

There was always an excuse. There will always be an excuse until you resolve within yourself to just write. 

Why Are You Trying NOT to Write that Book?

Sometimes there’s a reason we don’t write. I have a story I need to share because I know it will help people, but I don’t want to share it because it’s very personal and vulnerable. You may have the same problem. What you write may be emotionally difficult to work through, or you’re ashamed of what happened and are torn over sharing it with the world. You know you NEED to share it, you WANT to share it, but at the same time you don’t want to share it. It’s hard to be vulnerable. It’s scary to know your words and your life will be on display in your book. So, you find excuses to not write. 

What is Your WHY?

I knew I wanted to write a book. I believed God wanted me to write that book. With those beliefs, I realized I couldn’t keep delaying until I got to the perfect place. My WHY drove me to action. My WHY got my butt in my chair in front of my computer at home at 4:00am on a mid-week morning in August 2020 to start writing Equal Protection Under God. It’s what still gets me up and in my chair in front of my computer at home to work on my next book and to write these blogs. 

The lesson I learned was I just needed to write. Sitting at my desk in my home at 4:00 a.m. was not exciting or sexy, but it was the time and place I could write. And, if I wanted that book published, I had to write it. More importantly, I knew there was someone who needed the message I had to share. I realized that by waiting for the perfect place to write – by making more excuses as to why I wasn’t writing - I was depriving them of that message. 

Start Writing. Tell Your Story.

You have a message that can help someone. You have a story to tell. Start writing that story. 

What’s keeping you from writing? What is your WHY that will get you into your chair to start that book?

photo courtesy of #KathySmithImages


Rethinking Tamar Pt1: From Prostitute to Jesus’ Grandma


Rethinking Women of the Bible Series: Why?